Transnational Project Meeting of Dementia Rights (2020-1-PT01-K204-075657 ) which was granted by Portuguese National agency within the scope of the European Union Erasmus+ Adult Education Strategic Partnerships Program was performed in Oviedo/Spain on 02-03 June 2022.
Following the validation of the agenda by all partners at the meeting, the first product of the project, the Charter of Rights, was discussed and updated.
As the second item of the agenda, on the second output, the Human Rights Based Approach Guide, of the project discussions were held . In the light of the recommendations, it was decided to continue the development of the study.
As the third item of the agenda, discussions were held on the digital platform and learning materials, the outputs numbered three and four of the project. With the preparatory presentation made by the output coordinator, new decisions were taken in line with the opinions of the other partners.
Then, project communication and dissemination activities, personnel timelines, interim report, road map and budget were discussed. Decisions have been made regarding these activities. In addition, it was decided to organize an additional Transnational Project Meeting in Antalya on the proposal of the partners, in case there are sufficient resources in the budget and it is accepted by the Portuguese National Agency.