Demanthia Rights

Within the scope of the European Union Erasmus + Adult Education Strategic Partnerships Program, the project named Dementia Rights (Dementia Patient Rights), in which our Association is a partner and under the coordination of INSTITUTO S. JOÃO DE DEUS.

Project Number                  :           2020-1-PT01-K204-075657

Project Acronym                :           Dementhia Rights

Project Name                      :           Developing a rights-based approach to dementhia

Dementia Right Project

Dementia, a collective name for progressive brain syndromes, is the leading cause of disability and dependency among the elderly, affecting 50 million people worldwide, with a new case of dementia occurring every 3 seconds, a number which is set to increase substantially in the years ahead in Europe.

DEMENTIA RIGHT project aims to empower people with dementia, those who support them and the community as a whole, to ensure their Rights are recognized and respected, by developing a new rights-based approach to dementia and innovative learning materials ICT-based.


In order to contribute to improving the quality of life and social inclusion of people living with dementia, the target groups of this project are:

  1. health and social care professionals, social educators and other carers of people living with dementia;
  2. informal caregivers and family members of people living with dementia;
  3. board members of care homes and other care organizations, politicians, law professionals, the media and other decision-makers.


To empower these participants to recognize, respect and guarantee the Fundamental Rights of people living with dementia, DEMENTIA RIGHT has four main objectives:

  1. Improving the quality of life, social inclusion and dignity of people living with dementia, their caregivers and family members
  2. Developing a new approach to dementia, human rights-based, with effective guidelines for implementing and supervising the care provided in health/care facilities to people with dementia regarding their rights;

To empower these groups to guarantee, recognize and respect the Fundamental Rights of people living with dementia, DEMENTIA RIGHT has four main objectives:

  1. Improving the professional competencies of health and social care professionals, social educators and other carers to revamp their care skills and their approach to dementia;
  2. Contribute to more inclusive and efficient care centers to cope with the different needs of people living with dementia.


To achieve these objectives:

  1. A Charter of Rights for people with dementia and their caregivers will be developed to promote a better understanding of dementia, fight stigma and support the decision-making process of professionals, which includes why this Charter is needed, a specific approach of the rights of people with dementia based on first person testimonies.
  2. An innovative Rights-based Approach to Dementia will be established and an European professional guide on Human rights-based approach to dementia will be developed, which includes a protocol with harmonized standards and guidelines to access and monitor the implementation.
  3. An online open-access digital platform for health and social care professionals will be developed, which includes an ICT Learning Module based on the guide developed and a discussing forum for professionals, to promote experiential learning, supported by practice and social interaction, allowing the integration of the participants in an international community of practice.
  4. Innovative learning materials will be developed, which includes an informative video for digital media/platforms and social-networks and specific rights-booklets for strategic targets, such as political decision-makers, media, informal caregivers or care organizations.

Informative sessions will be promoted to the community based on this booklets, to a minimum of 100 participants.

Multiplier Events

1“GETTING DEMENTIA RIGHT” multiplier course


to the minimum of 220 participants in total will be organized, to disseminate the project results and improve competencies of participants supporting people with dementia in the approach.

Project Partners

Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas) ( )

Univercity of Oviedo ( )

Alzheimer Portugal ( )


BUHAYAD Sosyal İçerme ve Eğitim Derneği ( )

Saint Joseph’s Shankill ( )

Click for the Project Presentation

Click for the Project Website

Click for the Short Engagement Video of the project

Click for the Extended Engagement video